
Privacy Policy

CFB Foundation is committed to responsible information handling practices. Our Privacy Policy explains our data collection and use of your personal information. Learn more here.

Terms of Use

CFB Foundation’s Terms Of Use are a legally binding contract between you and CFB Foundation pertaining to the access and use of the services offered, and all products, information, content, media, content, printed materials and “online” or other electronic documentation accessible from or any sub-domains thereof or other websites operated by or for CFB Foundation. Learn more here.

Disclosure Statement

CFB Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Charitable ID #: 99-1672219. Your gift is very much appreciated and may be tax deductible pursuant to IRC § 170(c). Please check with your personal tax advisor regarding the deduction of your gift. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by writing to CFB Foundation, 619 S Olive St, Suite 401, Los Angeles, CA 90014, or visiting

Conflict of Interest Policy

The Conflict of Interest Policy helps ensure that when actual or potential conflicts of interest arise, there is a disclosure process to keep CFB Foundation informed and to help preserve CFB Foundation’s best interests. The Conflict of Interest Policy applies to all employees, board and committee members, volunteers and partners who work toward the mission of CFB Foundation. Learn more here.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is the central guide for our values, policies, legal and regulatory requirements and resources. The Code of Conduct applies to all employees, board and committee members, volunteers and partners who work toward the mission of CFB Foundation. Learn more here.

Report Improper Conduct

CFB Foundation encourages concerned individuals to report any improper conduct by our organization or its partners, directors, officers, employees or volunteers. An individual may report such matters by contacting our Compliance Hotline. Learn more here.